

COMMANDS from version 1.3.X

/azplayer <player>
Aliases: azrank, rank
Description: display current groups and time
/azsetgroup <player> <group> [[-s] <time>]
Aliases: azsetrank, setrank, setgroup
Description: replace all groups. if is given time, all temp groups are restoring and now permanently groups are save to restore after the time expires
/azaddgroup <player> <group> [[-s] <time>]
Aliases: azaddrank, addrank, addgroup
Description: add player to this group. if he alread is in, the given time is added or seted when is given -s flag
azremovegroup <player> <group>
Aliases: azremrank, azremgroup, azremoverank, removegroup, remgroup, removerank, remrank
Description: remove player from given group
azextend <player> <group> <time>
Aliases: azext
Description: prolong duration of group. It works only when player is in given group temprary.
azranks [page]
Aliases: tempranks, tempgroups,ranks
Description: list of all temporary groups (10 on page)


[time] is a number + time unit(without spaces):

  • s - seconds
  • m - minutes
  • h - hours
  • d - days
  • mo - months

Type the time with one time unit, for example:
If you need to set group for someone for 10 minutes type : /setrank John Admin 10m (which would set player John to have a Admin rank for 10 minutes)
You could also use 600s instead of 10 minutes but its easier doing it through this way.

COMMANDS for Version 1.2.X

  • /azrank <user> <group> <time> - set temporiary rank(group) for given time(number with unit)
  • /azrank <user> <group> - set rank(group) forever
  • /azrank <user> - shows information about given player(eg. timeleft)
  • /azrankreload - reload configuration and database
  • /restoregroup <user> - restore previous group(Works only when the user already has a temporary group.)
  • /azranks [page] - display users who have temporary group or groups

COMMANDS to Version 1.1.X and lower

  • /setrank <user> <group> [time] - set rank(group) with time unit, If you don't type any "time", permissions will be set permanent!
  • /azrankreload - reload configuration and database
  • /rank <user> - display informations about given player
  • /restoregroup <user> - restore previous group(Works only when the user already has a temporary group.)
  • /tempranks [page] - display users who have temporary group or groups


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