Change Log

- 0.8.6 | Some deprecation updates, Bug Fixes

  • Removed version 4 save file compatibility
  • fixed bug in /modasgroup that would delete old data instead of "mod" the group
  • added remove function to /modasgroup
  • Made attempt to move some methods away from using ItemID/DataValue. Sill some to go...
    • /modasgroup <group> -<itemID:data>
  • Fixed 2 Drop sign item duplication bugs

- 0.8.5 | Bug Fix, Feature

  • Fixed a bug in lavafurnace chest detection preventing autosort from fueling lavafurnaces
  • Massively sped up sort cycle and reduced plugin processing time by putting constant priority sorting behind a config option.
    • Normal deposit priority sort feature still works as before.(P: 1 to 4)
  • Added config option keep-priority-sorted
    • Default (false) disabled
    • Enables constant priority sorting for chests. Can cause significant drag on a server with lots of networked chests.

- 0.8.4 | Bug Fix

  • Fixed bug in /asreload command that would cause console error spam and possible database issues.
    • Wasnt clearing all variables and wasnt reloading data files in correct order

- 0.8.3 | Bug Fixes / Features

  • Fixed bug in directions f and b not detecting correct chest locations
  • Changed permissions checks to include error message if no permission for command use.
  • Added Stained Clay and Carpet to command custom groups material group info
  • Added additional permissions fallbacks if known permission plugins not detected
  • Changed Ops to override permissions plugin.
  • Added config option to set what are valid inventory blocks for Sort Chests, Deposit Chests, and Withdraw Chests.
    • Allows for custom inventory blocks. Tested with Forge (Ironchests)
    • Config should autoupdate to add the new options. If not delete config and let regenerate.
    • SoftDepend on
      • Required if you want to use custom inventories.
    • Most if not all Custom inventories can NOT be used for withdraw chests. If the inventory does not fire any bukkit inventory events and is not a member of Bukkit InventoryHolder then the withdraw chest will be ignored.
  • Added debug mode 2 for Custom Inventory Errors

- 0.8.2 | Bug Fixes / Features

  • Fixed bug allowing users to create a network without a name
  • Fixed bug in lavafurnace autosort that caused other sortchests to bleed items away from lavafurnace production chests during the sort tasks
  • Fixed bug that created a ghost sortchest if a invalid priority was used.
  • Fixed proximity exceptions to use Username and the Network name instead of just network names. Config updated.
  • Fixed bug inventory was resorting if a user clicked outside inventory box during withdraw
  • Removed debug message from permission check in network create
  • More chunk unloaded tests
  • Fixed reload command. Was using old pre-merge code and causing listeners to be double registered.
  • =+ Features +=
  • Added F and B to direction for forward and backward.
  • Updated to new bpermssions api. Only effects debugging related stuff.
  • Updated permissions checks to support unknown permissions plugins.
  • Added public networks.
    • Only owner can make changes to the network.
    • Use $Public as the name. Capitalization Unimportant
    • Ex:
    • #$Public - would be a public withdraw chest etc...
  • Added public network creation permission node
    • autosort.create.public
  • Added /listasmembers <owner> <netName> to list members of a network, in game and console
  • Added permission for /listasmembers
    • autosort.listasmembers

- 0.8.1 | Bug Fixes

  • Network owners are not allowed to link to lavafurnaces they do not own unless they have autosort.override permission
  • Fixed empty networks not being cleaned from database.
  • Fixed possible NPE in sort thread
  • Furnaces and hoppers cant be withdraw blocks
  • Added more internal protection against NPE's and blockstate errors if chunks are not loaded
  • Cosmetic error message cleanup
  • NPE fixed in blockbreak of a network sign
  • Possible NPE fix in network cleanup method
  • Moving through withdraw chest inventory no longer uses empty first sorting if that option is enabled. Caused too much lag
  • Because of above change Lavafurnace material group chests are no longer included in withdraw chest inventory. This prevents resorting of lavafurnace chest contents if empty first is used.

- 0.8 | Features / Bug Fixes / Effeciency changes

  • Fixed a couple of bugs with hoppers and sortchests
  • Rewrote a bunch of internal code for effeciency mostly in event handlers. Should help a lot with ms per tick times with certain events.
  • Changed autosort command to only autosort the players inventory and not the hotbar / inventory bar
  • added autosortall command to sort entire player inventory except armor slots
  • Added /aswithdraw <ownerName> <networkName>
  • Added /aswithdraw <networkName> (*assumes player is network owner)
    • Opens a new inventory window and allows a player to withdraw from a network without opening a chest
    • Permission autosort.use.withdrawcommand
    • autosort.override permission allows anyone to access any network with this command
  • /autosort command now allows network members to sort contents of their player inventory into a network
    • /autosort <owner> <networkName>
  • /autosortall command also allows network members to sort contents of their player inventory into a network
    • /autosortall <owner> <networkName>
    • autosort.override allows anyone member or not to sort into a network using above commands
  • asremnet command now checks to see if a withdraw chest is in use before deleting a network.
  • Fixed possable NPE while using withdraw chests and closing inventory

- 0.7.2 | Features / Cleanup / Bug fixes:

  • Cleaned up some of the internal code
  • Small efficiency improvements
  • Fixed a small bug in withdraw chest block detection
  • Withdraw chests now will attempt to keep the entire chest full when cycling through inventory contents
  • Users with autosort.override permission can destroy any network block
  • Added /asremnet <OwnerName> <NetworkName>
    • command deletes an entire network from database
    • permission autosort.remnet
  • Users with permission autosort.override can access any network

- 0.7.1 | Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Double Withdraw Chests not working
  • Signs associated with a sort, withdraw or deposit chest are cleared when the chest is removed from the network
  • Fixed bug in breaking sortchests not removing sort chest correctly
  • Fixed bug allowing users to create deposit, sort or withdraw chests out of chests already in a network
  • Minor error message changes / cosmetic stuff

- 0.7 | Merging:

  • Added Remove From Network command /remfromnet <network> <players>
  • Furnaces are only valid as a deposit chest, meaning the items smelted are withdrawn from the furnace. Hoppers can now be used for fuel, smeltables and smelted items.
  • Add droppers as valid block types for deposit chests and sort chests.
  • Add trapped chests as valid chest types for deposit chests and sort chests.
  • Add hoppers as valid block types for sort chests.
  • Players can not use Hoppers to steal from or force items into a network they do not own or are not members of
  • Players can not use Droppers to force items into a network they dont own or are not members of.
  • Members of a network can not add or remove depositchest, withdrawchest, dropsigns, or sortchests. Only Owners.
  • LavaFurances linked into autosort, will auto use lavabuckets to fuel furnaces with LAVAFURNACE as sortchest material
  • Chests are sorted from emptiest to fullest. Emptier chests are filled first based on priority - default disabled
  • fill-emptier-first: false in config disables above sort. Saves on CPU cycles with many or very large networks. default
  • Valid directions are L, R, N, S, E, W, U, D
  • Any combination of the above directions are accepted example: d:LDSE would mean look for a chest Left Down South and East from the signs position.
  • autosort.ignoreproximity - ignores proximity rules
  • autosort.remfromnet - allows users to remove members from networks
  • with autosort.override permission addtonet command changes to /addtonet [ownerName] [netName] {members}
  • with autosort.override permission remfromnet command changes to /remfromnet [ownerName] [netName] {members}
  • withdraw signs are removed and replaced with withdraw chests. The top left and top right inventory slots are clickable to advance through network inventory contents.
  • withdraw chests on a network can only be used by one person at a time.
  • all contents of the withdraw chest are immediately removed from the network to be placed in the withdraw chest. Prevents duplications.
  • Save version moved from version 4 to version 5.
  • Reorginized the save file structure to save more info about withdraw chests, deposit chests, and drop signs.
  • Added drop signs that are now directly registered with the plugin.
  • place a sign post with just the network name and no direction data. Any dropped item within a 1 meter radius of the sign will be deposited in the network.
  • Save version 4 is converted to save version 5 but because of the structure of save version 4 some data has to be assumed. Meaning you may have to rebuild your old networks. Sorry, if the conversion process doesnt work right. I did give it a best effort.
  • bPermissions support, Vault Permissions Support, Niji permissions support, Bukkit Permissions Support, GroupManager Permissions Support, and PermissionsEX support
  • debug=1 in config turns on permissions error traps.

- 0.6.5 | Better material group manipulation and some other stuff:

  • Fixed console errors when trying to use a withdraw chest on an empty network.
  • D:L and D:R are now valid option for specifying direction
  • Added a command to add to a custom group rather than having to overwrite it (/modasgroup)
  • Added a command to delete custom groups (/delasgroups)

- 0.6.4 | Cleanup improvement:

  • When cleaning up, the plugin now removes broken drop chests and withdraw chests
  • Fixed bug where non-members could destroy drop chests, but it wouldn't actually de-register the chest.

- 0.6.3 | Improvements to permissions and ownerships:

  • Non-members can no longer destroy sort signs, sort chests or the blocks sort signs are attached to
  • Fixed errors when sign is destroyed by punching it in creative: Right clicking now advances the sign, left licking cancels
  • Non-members can no longer open sort chests
  • Blocks can no longer be placed against withdraw signs.

- 0.6.2 | Bugfixes, improvements, and proximity checks:

  • Fixed ghost items showing up in withdraw chest menus
  • Configurable proximity check so chests in a network can only be so far apart. In the config, you can set a default value, or set specific values for certain networks. A value of 0 is unlimited.
  • Scrolling through withdraw chest menus is now accelerated
  • Command for selecting mats/amounts in withdraw chests. (/aswithdraw [mat | amount] [matName/ID | number]
  • Only members of a network can use a withdraw chest.
  • Made Dispensers fill higher priority chests.
  • Misc chests now resort into specific chests at the same priority level.

- 0.6.1 | Bugfixes and data values:

  • Fixed more unloaded chunk and class cast errors
  • Added code to prevent the entire plugin from stopping when an error occurs
  • Permissions for withdraw chest creation (autosort.use.withdraw)
  • Command to list custom material groups (/listasgroups)
  • Withdraw chests now differentiate between items with different damage values
  • Fixed errors with sorting to dispensers

- 0.6.0 | Extended furnaces and withdraw chests:

  • Fixed more unloaded chunk errors that cause the plugin to stop working
  • Furnaces supplied by network. Only coal, iron ore, and gold ore are sorted into furnaces at the moment.
  • Withdrawal chests added, see "Additional Features" section for more info

- 0.5.3 | Fixed cleanup code.

- 0.5.2 | Quick bugfixes:

  • Save version 4
  • Owner and members now saved and loaded properly. When loading an old networks.yml, you will have to manually edit it after it has saved to add the owners
  • Custom material groups work once again
  • A few other minor fixes

- 0.5.1 | Updated permissions and bugfixes:

  • Redone permissions. New nodes, and a new way to keep a network secure. Make sure to change your permissions!
  • Sort chests in unloaded chunks no longer generate errors when sent items
  • NE, NW, SE, and SW are now valid parameters for the D:# option

- 0.5.0 | New and Improved:

  • Lower priority chests now resort their items into higher priority chests whenever possible.
  • Making a chest with an id that has no damage value now takes every kind of that item, not just those with damage value 0. For example, using 35 on a sort chest accepts all colors of wool, while 35:0 only accepts white.
  • D:# option now works for everything.

- 0.4.2 | An update to show I'm alive:

  • Fixed the deprecation warnings that have cropped up.
  • Custom groups in the config no longer have to be all caps.

- 0.4.1 | Drop signs can be placed again.

- 0.4.0 | More bug fixes and options:

  • Updating an item group in the config now updates all chests to the new item group upon reload.
  • Chests can be prioritized. Put P:# on the bottom row of the sort sign, where # is a number from 1 to 4, 1 being highest priority. Default priority is 2
  • Config option for limiting use of networks to the world you are in.
  • IDs with damage values now work.
  • Any item that falls on a drop sign will be sorted, not just player thrown ones. (Endless dispensers!)
  • More places to put sort signs than just above the chest. On the fourth row of the the sign, put D:#, where # is N, E, S, W, U, or D, representing the cardinal direction that the chest is in relation to the sign.

- 0.3.2 | Bug fixes and furnaces:

  • Permissions for individual networks
  • Ability to set furnaces as drop chests so that smelted items will automatically be sorted into a network.
  • Fixed console warning when saving networks.
  • Various minor bug fixes.

- 0.3.1 | Fixed a few problems where dispensers would not work the same as chests.

- 0.3.0 | Dispensers, bug fixes, commands, and more:

  • Signs placed over the other half of a double sort chest no longer screw things up
  • Command to reload plugin
  • Added many checks to make sure that a specified chest was indeed a chest. This should fix a lot of errors.
  • Fixed the problem where drop chests would destroy all item stacks of a certain type after only one had been sorted.
  • Command to add an item group
  • IDs can be written on line 3 as well as line 2
  • IDs and names can be mixed in a list
  • Names can be listed
  • Command to cleanup broken chests
  • Dispensers can be added to networks
  • Plugin cleans up networks periodically and on disable.

- 0.2.2 | A few more bugfixes plus notifications:

  • ID lists work properly again.
  • Fixed double chests not being removed from networks properly.
  • Added notifications for creating and destroying networks, drop chests, and sort chests.

- 0.2.1 | A few bugfixes:

  • Fixed error when making drop chests.
  • Double-chests now register with just one sign.

- 0.2.0 | Many improvements to how materials can be specified, a long with a few other upgrades:

  • Numeric IDs can now be used to specify materials.
  • Multiple IDs can be put on a single sign, separated by commas (example: 1,4,98). Only ID's work for this, not names. (names are too long anyway)
  • Custom material groups can be specified in the config file. These are like predefined lists of multiple id's under a single name. An example group is provided so you can see the syntax.
  • There is now a command to sort your entire inventory into a network: /autosort [netName]
  • Permissions for both creation of sort signs and the above command (autosort.create , autosort.autosort)
  • Drop chests added: Placing a sort sign above a chest with no specified material designates that chest as a drop chest. You can place items into this chest and they will be sorted into the network.
  • Many notifications to tell you when you've done something wrong
  • Switched to new Bukkit event system

- 0.1.1 | Breaking a network sign above a chest now removes the chest from the network.

- 0.1.0 | First Release on BukkitDev