
The commands found here are all the commands for AutoMessage. All commands can be run from console or from a player with specified permissions. Required values are enclosed by < > and optional values are enclosed by [ ]. The default command label is /automessage however it can be replaced by its quicker aliases /am or /automsg.

Displays information about the plugin.
/automessage help [Page]
Displays all available commands with their usage and description
/automessage add <List> [Index] [Message]
Create a new message list or add a new message to the specified list at an optional index
/automessage edit <List> <Index> <Message>
Edit a message in a specific message list at the specified index
/automessage remove <List> [Index]
Remove the specified message list or a message from the specified message at the specified index
/automessage enabled <List>
Enable or disable server broadcasts for a specified message list
/automessage interval <List> <Interval>
Set the interval at which broadcasts are sent out for a specific message list
/automessage expiry <List> <Expiry>
Set the time for the message list to expire. The format is d h m s.
/automessage random <List>
Enable or disable random broadcasting for a specific message list
/automessage prefix <List> [Prefix]
Set the broadcast prefix for a specified message list
/automessage suffix <List> [Suffix]
Set the broadcast suffix for a specified message list
/automessage broadcast <List> <Index>
Broadcast a message from a message list at the specified index
/automessage list [List]
List all message lists or messages within a specific message list
/automessage reload
Reloads the configuration from the disk
/automessage update
Downloads the latest update if not already up to date