

AuthMe is old, and now extinct... so...

AutoMe was born! This plugin allows users who first login when the plugin's installed, to do /set. This plugin is for cracked servers! This will save the IP in the Config, which a admin can edit at anytime. Once it's set, it's there. If someone else that doesn't have that ip you did /set with, they will not be able to login! Added Dynamic Logins! With /Login - Safe, and Protected. No "Forgot Password!" - AutoMe - We Protect! We Stand Out!


Never enter your real passwords into any minecraft server! Administrators can see your password, in case they need to change it!

We are not responsible for any problems.


Configuration is Easy!:

Player : (IP) Player: (IP)

Note: Do not edit anything else accept "Player" you will corrupt the config.

You can also use this to protect against spam bots, you may also edit the IP's whenever needed!


Can users hack IPs? No - This is impossible as the config is not located on the server. Can users somehow wait out the System? No - Users get instantly kicked when a impersonator. Can I change someones IP if they got a different one? Yes - To stay in touch, you may want a forum! Is the config crazy? No - Our configs keep clean. Can a user Re-Set their IP? Yes - However, it can not be done unless you are logged in. Can I use this wither other Plugins? Yes - It's fully compatible. What if someone logs in with a Dynamic IP? - This is fully fixed. The first time they login, they do /dynamic <password> this way, the user can use a password when they login instead of a IP.

Change Log

[X] Fixed A Few Known Bugs

Version: 2.5


[X] Ability to Change Passwords

[X] Added Dynamic Login.

[X] Fixed Dynamic Login.

[X] Added /login for Dynamic Users.

[X] Added /dynamic (password) to set your Mode to Dynamic!

[X] Added Player Freezing if not Logged In.

[X] Added Player CMD Blocking if not Logged In.

Version: 2.0


[X] Added IP Config

[X] Saved IP Config

[X] Changed so Users can login if they already did, once installed.

[X] Added Kick Message

Version: 1.0


- Custom Kick Messages


[+] Kick Message Error

[-] Dynamic IP's can be changed. Allowing Fix in the Future - Version: 2.0


First, Download our Plugin at the Download Area. Then, you want to put the .jar into the plugins folder on your server, then Run the Server. Once you login do /set and it's done! Nobody can impersonate you.


At the moment, there are no permissions.


Once Installed, When you login do /set - This will set your IP in the Config! Nobody is allowed to impersonate you, and nobody can! If you are a dynamic, Use /dynamic after /set - This will make your mode: Dynamic What this does, is when a user logs in with this mode, It asks for a password instead! You set it with:

/dynamic (password)

- When the user is dynamic and hasn't logged in yet, the user is frozen and can't do any commands accept /login -


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 16, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Dec 16, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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