default config.yml

default config.yml

#If your config gets messed up just delete it to restore the default.

  #Warntimes before shutdown
  warntimes: 900,600,300,240,180,120,60,45,30,20,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
  #Sets the shutdowntimes. Format HH:MM seperated by comma. If only one time is set is MUST be 'HH:MM'!
  shutdowntimes: 0:00,3:00,6:00,9:00,12:00,15:00,18:00,21:00 
  #shutdowntimes: '12:00'
  #Countdown to shutdown in seconds
  gracetime: 20
#If players should be kicked before shutdown
kickonshutdown: true

  kickreason: Scheduled Shutdown.
  #Configurable shutdownmessage. Output will be "<shutdownmessage> in/at time/date X seconds/minutes /NOW! "
  shutdownmessage: Server is shutting down
  #If true the [AutoShutdown] tag will be displayed before the warning messages. False will add [Warning] tag before the message.
  showtag: true
  #Configuration for time unit. Plurals will be set automatically
  minute: minute
  second: second