This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

ATTENTION: Due to recent events (as of Sept 6th, 2014) I have decided to suspend development for future potential versions. This also means I no longer need to worry about UUID support. As it stands it may be a non-issue anyways since UUID should be handled internally and by permissions until I implement certain other planned features.

aOP (alpha OP)

This plugin was developed out of a bit of need for a custom plugin that could handle specific admin related functions without leaving ourselves open to op attack attempts. This plugin combines a couple of older plugins (they are open source) and adds some logging capabilities.

There are plans for more functions eventually so hopefully I will be able to implement them later on.


  • Add /opme and /deopme
  • Uses permissions to control /opme usage
  • Catch and block /op and /deop usage even for ops
  • Allow /op and /deop to be used in console
  • Alerts ops, console, and optionally anyone with the notify node of usage for /op, /deop, /opme, and /deopme

(added in 2.0)
Configurable ability to ...

  • Silence deny message sent to player
  • Enable/disable notifications in chat
  • Enable/disable op/deop command block
  • Toggle if nick is shown in chat notification messages
  • Automatically drop op on quit


  • aop.use (Allow usage of /opme command)
  • aop.notify (Get notified when someone uses op,deop,etc)

(added in 2.0)

  • aop.bypass.opdrop (Bypass automatic drop of op rights on quit)

(added in 2.3 - unreleased)

  • aop.reload (Allows reloading plugin configuration)
  • aop.bypass.intercept (Bypass op intercept) - Note: When this is enabled op/deop is allowed fully and control is actually passed back to vanilla or whatever plugin has next priority. aOP stops handling the event completely for that player.


  • /opme (Ops the calling user - Currently permissions only)
  • /deopme (Deops the calling user - Ops only)

(added in 2.3 - unreleased)

  • /aop (Plugin command)
    • reload (reloads the plugin configuration)


Known Issues:

  • On some configurations it may fail to deop players automatically even if the bypass node isn't set in permissions. The only workaround is to actually negate the node for the groups. On these configurations it believes that the person who is op has the bypass node active and won't deop them. The actual cause is unknown.
    • Fixed above in dev builds - moved check to onJoin vs onLogin (permission checks do not always work during onLogin)

Note: I can verify that the current build works fine for the current dev builds of 1.7.2 of Bukkit.

Update: I've been working on the plugin lately and I've added a few enhancements. In addition I'm testing against both the more recent craftbukkit beta builds and Tekkit Classic (1.2.5). This introduces some new challenges and is causing me to add a couple of things to the plugin.
Update: I've done some preliminary testing on Spigot 1.7.10/1.8 builds and it seems to be fine. Note that the Spigot build isn't actually 1.8. It is just using a protocol hack to allow 1.8 clients to join.

Upcoming in 2.3:

  • Added the ability to intercept the op and deop commands. This may have limited use however when dealing with NEI where it has a server side component the client side looks for op and deop commands but nothing else. This allows the server admin to restrict the usage of op and deop commands themselves to the calling players. There will be a bypass node for players that should have this ability.
    Limitation: If you use this aop.use is kinda useless. You will have to use bukkit version of op permission however my plugin will still intercept and handle if that player doesn't have the bypass node.
  • Fixed the odd issue where the op drop bypass doesn't work sometimes. (hopefully)
  • Added a config option to disable the actual opme/deopme commands. It's of very limited use but on the server I admin on will likely use it for various reasons (Tekkit Classic server).
  • Added an aop command with reload parameter... Mostly for reloading the config on the fly. Just doing aop by itself will supply version with date of compile.



  • Rockes110 @ (server inactive) for his encouragement as I create this plugin. Thanks Rockes!

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 5, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 11, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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