
When the plugin is first run it will create a configuration file located at plugins/AntiLog/config.yml that allows you to costumize many features of the plugin. On this page the configuration is explained.


#AntiLog by PhilipsNostrum
#Configuration help:
#Time in seconds a player stays logged for
tagTime: 10
#PvP tags
playersTag: true
#Mob attack tags
mobsTag: true
#Whether players with the permission antilog.exempt don't get tagged
exemptPerm: true
#Whether players already tagged can be hit regardless of other plugins (example: WorldGuard region)
tagAlwaysHit: false
#Players can not use any command not listed in allowedCmds while tagged if this is set to true
blockCommands: true
#Commands that may be used
  - msg
#list of worlds where tagging is disabled
  - disallowedworldname
  - anotherdisabledworld
#Broadcast logMsg when someone logs
broadcastLog: true
#message when someone logs <player> will be replaced with the player name
logMsg: '&6Player &c<player> &6combat logged!'
#message to send a player when he is tagged <tagTime> will be replaced with the tagtime
tagMsg: '&eYou have been tagged for &4<tagTime> seconds. &eDo not log out!'
#message to send a player when he is untagged
untagMsg: '&eYou are now untagged! You may log out!'
#message to send a player when he types an unallowed command
noCommandMsg: '&eYou can not use commands while tagged!'


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