
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

AntiFoul - Stop those foul mouths!:
Version: v1.0.2

9/11/14: This project is abandoned.

AntiFoul is an anti-swear type plugin but with better recognition of words and is much more configurable than most anti-swear plugins.

- Prevents foul language in chat
- Set custom "bleep-word"
- Set custom join message
- Set custom warning message
- Set custom kick message
- Add/Remove words to the list of words that should not be allowed
- Enable/Disable kicking on the second time using foul language
- Enable/Disable logging to the console for a number of important things
- Enable/Disable announcing to the server when a player is kicked for using foul language
- Permission Support

- /bannedwords: Gets a list of all of the words in the list of banned words
- /addword: Add to the list off banned words
- /removeword: Remove from the list of banned words

- antifoul.list: Allows usage of /bannedwords
- antifoul.add: Allows usage of /addword
- antifoul.remove: Allows usage of /removeword

Default Config File:
Please note that I have removed the words in the "words" section because the section contains harsh language. They WILL appear when the plugin installs, just not on this web page

#The message shown to the player when joining
joinMessage: This server is protected by AntiFoul!

#The message shown when a player uses foul language
warningMessage: Watch your language!

#Message shown on the kicked player's screen
kickMessage: You have been kicked for using foul language.

#Word used to replace words that should be blocked
bleepWord: [BLEEP]

#Whether or not the plugin should kick the player using foul language for the second time sence they logged on
kickSecondTime: true

#Whether or not the plugin should announced why the player was kicked for using foul language
announceKicked: true

#Whether or not the plugin should log to the console when somebody uses foul language
logToConsole: true

#Words for AntiFoul to block
  - [There will be a list of pre-typed words here that you can add to and remove from]

Planned Features:
- Report system (saves player-specific reports on how many times they have used foul language and how many times they have been kicked for it)



Please send me a PM if you have a problem, don't post it in the comments!


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