

AnimalGuard is an effective addition to WorldGuard that prevents players from interacting in various ways with animals within regions that they cannot build in.

What does it block?

AnimalGuard can effectively block the following, depending on your configuration:

  • Players damaging animals within regions
  • Players dyeing of sheep within regions
  • Players shearing sheep / mooshrooms within regions
  • Players entering or leaving a vehicle such as a pig or a horse within regions
  • Players milking cows within regions
  • Players attaching a leash to animals within regions

As well as this, you have the ability to allow damage to tameable mobs within regions with PvP enabled.

How does it work?

AnimalGuard works by checking if a player has permission to build in the area, either through region membership or if they have the region bypass permission.

Getting Started


  1. Install WorldGuard first. (DON'T FORGET THIS)
  2. Download AnimalGuard and install it.
  3. Run your server once to generate the configuration files.
  4. Edit the configuration files to your liking.
  5. Use the command /ag reload to reload your configuration.


  • /ag reload - Reload the plugin
  • /ag version - Display version information


This plugin does not use permissions, because we are relying on WorldGuard to provide the build permission.

Upcoming features

  • None at the moment, feel free to make suggestions!

Statistics collected

If you have enabled MCStats, the following statistics are collected through any plugin that uses MCStats:

  • Java version
  • Operating system
  • Authentication mode
  • System architecture (32/64 bit)
  • Amount of CPU cores
  • Country of server location
  • Server software used
  • Player count

This data is sent to MCStats, where you can also view it.

You are free to opt-out of submitting data whenever you wish. This will immediately stop sending data for any plugins that supports MCStats / Plugin Metrics. Simply edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and change opt-out: false to true


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