

SimpleChatLogger is a plugin that records player conversations as well as other things. This can be useful for server administrators to find out what their players are up to.


  • The ability to turn off features you don't want
  • Enable logging only for specific groups or players
  • Logs player chat
  • Logs player commands
  • The ability to exclude certain commands from being logged
  • Logs the player's IP address on each login
  • Logs player kills and deaths
  • The ability to log all player events in a sequence


  • The log files are stored inside the SimpleChatLogger folder, which is located in the plugins directory of the server
  • Inside the SimpleChatLogger folder consists of different category folders that SimpleChatLogger logs to
  • Every player will have his or her own text file inside each category folder
  • To open the logs, double-click the text file with the username of the player you are trying to get logs for in one of the category folders




  • simplechatlogger.log - Enables logging of specific groups or players

How does SimpleChatLogger work?

SimpleChatLogger logs every message that a player types into the chat into a simple, easy to read file. As an added bonus, SimpleChatLogger also is able to log other types of events, such as when a player types a command or when a player joins the server. SimpleChatLogger will be able to log many more things in the future.



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