Advanced Maintenance

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Advanced Maintenance


this plugin adds two commands: /am off and /am on. If you use /am on, all of the players on your server that do not have the permission am.bypass, will be kicked with a configurable message. When Advanced Maintenance is enabled, your MOTD will be changed to something you can set in the config. All players withouth the permission am.bypass will be kicked, and no one without the permission am.join won't be able to join anymore.


/am ontoggles Maintenance mode onam.toggle
/am offtoggles Maintenance mode offam.toggle


for the permissions for the commands, see the "Commands" header. If you want a player to be able to join the server, though it is in maintenance mode, use am.join If you want a player not to be kicked when maintenance mode is enabled, give him the permission am.bypass


The default configuration file looks like this:

#the defaultMotd is the MOTD displayed when Advanced Maintenance is disabled
# the kickMessage is the message that displays when you get kicked by this plugin.
# the maintenanceMotd is message that will be the MOTD while your server is in Maintenance Mode
# remember to put '' around your strings that you fill in!
defaultMotd: 'this is a minecraft server' 
kickMessage: '&6The server is under maintenance!'
maintenanceMotd: '&6Maintenance!'

Here you can set the DefaultMOTD, the kickMessage and the MaintenanceMOTD, everything has color support (use &) for example, you could do this:

#the defaultMotd is the MOTD displayed when Advanced Maintenance is disabled
# the kickMessage is the message that displays when you get kicked by this plugin.
# the maintenanceMotd is message that will be the MOTD while your server is in Maintenance Mode
# remember to put '' around your strings that you fill in!
defaultMotd: ' &3Join this server!' 
kickMessage: "&6You can't join the server due to maintnance!"
maintenanceMotd: '&6Maintenance!'


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 12, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Sep 12, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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