
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Administrate is the admins Utility plugin. It is based on Vanish-NoPickup, and the old 'adminMode' plugin to give Server admins specific control over what they allow their admins to do. Administrate also provides proper persistence! No more losing that option you toggled already!


  • administrate.allmessages - receive messages about all players regardless of their status
  • administrate.stealth - stealth login/logoff when enabled + make it so people can't see you're online with linking /who
  • administrate.adminmode - ability to use the /admin command godmode/toggle vanish + nopickup
  • administrate.adminmode.heal - allows a player to heal while in admin mode
  • - allows a player to teleport while in admin mode
  • administrate.god - Toggle godmode
  • administrate.return - allows a user to independently save a location and return to it at a later time without toggling any other admin abilities.
  • administrate.noaggro - makes mobs not aggro when the player is invisible
  • administrate.invisible - turns you invisible to players
  • administrate.seeinvis - allows a player to see invisible admins
  • administrate.status - allows a player to get status of another player
  • administrate.fakelog - allows a player to use /fakein and /fakeout to spoof logging in/out
  • administrate.heal - allows a player to use /heal anytime.
  • - allows a player to use teleport commands anytime.

All teleport/heal commands do partial name matching. If they find more than 1 player matching the name, they will attempt to teleport/heal all players with the matched name.

  • /admin - aliases: /at, /adminmode - toggle admin mode on/off
  • /god - aliases: /ag, /g - toggle god-mode on/off
  • /vanish - alias: /invis - toggle invisibility on/off
  • /stealth - toggle stealth loggin on/off
  • /saveloc - saves your current location for returning
  • /return - returns you to a saved location
  • /adminstatus <player> - alias: /as - shows you your currently active admin modes, if player is specified shows that players status
  • /fakeout - aliases: /fo, fakelogout - sends a broadcast saying you logged out.
  • /fakein - aliases: /fi, /fakelogin - sends a broadcast saying you logged in.
  • /admin_heal [player|all] - alias: /heal - heals yourself, the specific player, or all players online
  • /admin_put <player|all> - alias: /put - puts the player or all players at your target. max range 50 blocks
  • /admin_bring <player|all> - alias: /bring - brings the player or all players to your location.
  • /admin_tp <player|world> - alias: /tp - teleports you to the player or world spawn.
  • /tp <player> <player|world> - teleports a Player to the world or another player. 1st argument is the player to teleport. 2nd is the location. (Only supports single player teleports)
  • /tp <x, y, z> - teleport yourself to a specific coordinate location

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 25, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Aug 25, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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