
HouseGuard Configuration (BR)

Nesta página você poderá ver à configuração do HouseGuard, com comentários em Português Brasileiro.

# Put the price of the unit block of the protection.
# Ex. /buy house 10 = 10 * BlockPurchasePrice = $100,00
# Ex. /buy house 100 = 100 * BlockPurchasePrice = $1000,00  
BlockPurchasePrice: 10

# Put the price of the unit of the size expansion.
# Ex. /expand house 1 = 1 * BlockPurchaseExpand = $50,00
# Ex. /expand house 10 = 10 * BlockPurchaseExpand = $500,00  
BlockPurchaseExpand: 50

# If the player want to deny the pvp, put the price payment.
PVPPrice: 500

#Put the abreviation of the coin name.
#Will appear in the text coins.
CoinName: $

# You can choose area, hg, house or casa
#Ex: /area, /hg, /house or /casa
CommandName: /area

#Put false if you want leaving the block in the maximum height possible.
#Put true if you want leave the block aligned with the y position player.
Align: false

# Put the name of the block and subId. Example: WOOD_STEP:2
#look the name in website above
BlockName: FENCE

# Put the limit of area of the player will be able to have
MaxAreas: 3

# Put the maximum size of the area that each player can create
MinSize: 10
MaxSize: 50

# Put true if you want to block the command /sethome of members or leaders in protected areas.
BlockNonMembersSetHome: true

#Put the maximum and minimum height that will protect in the moment you use / buy.
MinHeight: 0
MaxHeight: 256

#Put true if you want that is removed from the leaves and trunks of area in which the player buy.
RemoveTree: false

#Choose the  language. Use the standard i18n. In the moment have just: en_US and pt_BR
Language: en_US

tpDelay: 5

#mysql if its false = sqlite, if its true = mysql
isMySQL: false
Server: Localhost
Database: shp
User: root
Password: root


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